أشعار للمياه

أشعار للمياه is a new collective blog between Soha Awwad (poet)
& David Habchy (animator & illustrator).
check it out here


Klekeesh in Hibr newspaper issue # zero.

Hibr.me (حبر لبناني) (Lebanese Ink) is aiming to serve as a large-scale independent (unaffiliated to any sectarian or political group) youth & citizen media outlet in Lebanon that works in print (publishing a monthly free distribution newspaper), online (with regular content, discussions, multimedia, online collaborations, and more), and in person (with regular events, workshops, competitions, and other activities). Hibr is powered by young people while engaging all communities in Lebanon and the Lebanese diaspora community worldwide, and most content is licensed under a Creative Commons license to facilitate non-profit sharing of whatever information and content we create.

نقطة حمراء

this is an old experimental animation that i did with Elias Moubarak & William Choukeir for the festival 8.8.8 that was organized by Xanadu & Ramzi Hibri. the poetry is for Soha Awwad.
here are few links about this animation